- 账户管理 1:500
- 资产 : 英镑/美元, 欧元兑日元, 英镑加元, 澳元兑美元, 欧元兑美元, 欧元/澳元, 美元兑日元, 纽元兑美元, 欧元加元, 美元兑瑞郎, 美元加元, 日元, 澳元, 澳元CAD, 灯光, NZDCAD, 欧元英镑
- TF: M1
- 最低存款 : 2000美元
- 交易时间 : 24/7
Trend Sphere EA Description
Automated trading systems like TrendSphere EA have revolutionized the way traders approach the forex market. By leveraging algorithms and predefined strategies, these EAs aim to optimize trading performance, manage risks, and capitalize on market trends with minimal human intervention. TrendSphere EA, in particular, offers a multi-currency approach, making it a compelling tool for traders seeking diversification and sophisticated risk management.
Trend Sphere EA Setting
Trend Sphere EA Back-test Result
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