Cadangan Penasihat Pakar
- Lavarage Akaun 1:500
- TF : M5
- Deposit Min : 100Dolar Amerika
- Waktu Dagangan : 24/7
Safe Scalping EA Description
Power Scalping Forex EA, A scalping system that uses an advanced entry/exit algorithm with sophisticated filtering methods in order to identify only the safest entry points during calm market periods.
The system focuses on a long-term, stable growth. It is a professional tool that I developed years ago and is continually updated to include the latest technology in Trading.
A strict rule-based approach to trading allows to maximize return while still keeping risks under control, no fancy algorithms, tiada ujian Holy Grails, no “risk-free martingale”!
Safe Scalping EA Setting

Safe Scalping EA Back-test Result
Sokongan Premium
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