Cadangan Penasihat Pakar
- Lavarage Akaun 1:500
- TF : 1H
- Deposit Min : 10000Dolar Amerika
- Waktu Dagangan : 24/7
ATG V5.0 EA Description
If you are looking for an automated trading that is controlled 24 hours by a professional company and can generate consistent profits up to 20% setiap bulan, with affordable prices and 100% investor-owned profits (without profit sharing). Then you are in the right place!
Our Expert Advisor run in EA 2020 infrasuctures and beyond. Now is the perfect time to be a part of the greatness of ATG 5.0.
ATG V5.0 EA Setting

ATG V5.0 EA Back-test Result
Sokongan Premium
Adakah anda sedang mencari sokongan Premium untuk pemasangan atau pengoptimuman EA ? Ya kami di sini untuk membantu anda.