Peritus Advisor commendationem
- ratio Lavarage 1:500
- dignissim : EURUSD, GPBUSD , AUDUSD
- min Depositum : 500USD
- Horae Trading : 24/7
FX Hunter v9G EA Description
FX Hunter v9G EA is a fully automated Expert Advisor free to Download. It is a grid-based forex robot that operates under the “buy low, sell high” maxim. This is accomplished by initiating trades based on signals from built-in indicators. Unfortunately, it does not always ensure that the price will move in the right direction in this highly liquid market.
If the entry is not precise enough, the Forex Hunter EA manages open positions by employing a carefully considered martingale method. Open orders are organized into baskets, and when the objective (the level of take-profit) is attained, the baskets are immediately closed.
There is no scalping or short-term trading involved in this Expert Advisor. Orders are added to the “basket” by opening market orders (in some circumstances, the adviser utilizes Buy-Stop/Sell-Stop orders to deal with price gaps). Regardless of the state of the market, using specific sophisticated techniques to regulate grid geometry results in virtually ideal open basket geometry (slippage, increased spreads, etc.).
FXHunter EA places many orders in the same direction of varying sizes. A basket is a collection of similar purchases. Levels are the individual orders in the basket. This EA trade using a combination of martingale and hedging methods. QUANTUMP PROFX EA Description, hoc EA habet altam ROI(Reverteretur in investment) cum prope a * 100% facultas flatus rationis si depositum satis non habes. Quantum lucrum facere potes menstruam ex sorte tua magnitudine et periculo valorem facere?.
FX Hunter v9G EA Setting

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