Peritus Advisor commendationem
- ratio Lavarage 1:500
- TF : M5
- min Depositum : 500USD
- Horae Trading : 24/7
Flex Beggar EA Description
Flex Beggar EA is an automated scalping forex robot Free to Download. It aims to pick up a small number of Pips aiming at a time zone with low volatility, and is suitable for the so-called “morning scan”.
It does not use dangerous trading methods like martingale, malesuada euismod, HFT and all transactions are always protected by SL. etiam, Pips Eater EA only opens one trade at a time. This EA trade with a trading logic based on long-term forward and short-term contrarian.
Flex Beggar EA Setting

Flex Beggar EA Back-test Result
Magnum Support
Quaeritis Magnum subsidium ad EA institutionem vel ipsum ? Ita hic sumus adiuvare vos.
Backtests work, but not forwards.
Probably broken.
Please check your MT4 Expert log..