- アカウントLavarage 1:500
- TF : M1
- 最小預金 : 500米ドル
- 取引時間 : 24/7
Top Bottom EA Description
TopBottomEA offers a groundbreaking advantage: it’s tailor-made for small capital traders, marking a significant shift in EA support. Backed by over four years of real trading experience, this EA stands out for its volatility adaptive mechanism. Unlike many others, it focuses on executing just one trade at a time, ensuring meticulous attention to each position. Every trade is safeguarded with a stop-loss mechanism, promoting risk management. With an average of approximately four trades per day, it maintains an active presence in the market. プラス, its trading duration typically spans around 12 時間, striking a balance between short-term gains and long-term strategies. 特に, its robustness is underscored by undergoing rigorous backtesting, spanning over a decade, with a principal challenge cap of $20. This extensive testing validates its reliability and performance, making TopBottomEA a frontrunner in the realm of automated trading solutions.
Top Bottom EA Setting

Top Bottom EA Back-test Result
EAのインストールまたは最適化のプレミアムサポートをお探しですか ? はい、私たちはあなたを助けるためにここにいます.
didn’t work due to new version of mt4