Aanbeveling van kundige adviseur
- Rekening Lavarage 1:500
- Bate : USDJPY
- TF : 30M, 1H
- Min deposito : 500USD
- Handelsure : 24/7
Mense wat sterk aanbeveel word
Hunting Cat Scalper EA Description
Hunting Cat Scalper EA is a fully automated FREE MT4 Scalper to Download. It mainly works on USDJPY. It identifies potential breakout levels in specific price patterns and trades along with the breakouts.
The self-developed algorithm that identifies potential breakout levels
Especially effective in specific price patterns
Unique coding logic that allows minimal compromise on trading quality even in a high ping environment
Pending orders are used to minimize slippage during price breakouts
No risky strategies such as grid or martingale are used
Strict stop loss is placed on every order
Hunting Cat Scalper can get risky since it utilizes the martingale method, sometimes even hedging. As gevolg van hierdie metode, hierdie EA het 'n baie hoë ROI(Opbrengs van belegging). Hoeveel wins jy maandeliks kan maak hang af van jou lotgrootte en risikowaarde.
After a Long time of using this strategy, Blowing your account is inevitable. Egter, met die periodieke onttrekking van beleggings, die teorie van waarskynlikheid werk in ons guns. Nadat die aanvanklike belegging onttrek is, die gevaarlike martingale-strategie word dadelik gelykbreek en hoogs winsgewend.
Hunting Cat Scalper EA Setting

Hunting Cat Scalper EA Back-test Result
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