Rekommendation av expertrådgivare
- Kontosvamp 1:500
- Tillgång : GPBUSD
- TF : 1M, 5M
- Min insättning : 500USD
- Öppettider : 24/7
Rekommenderas starkt mäklare
Han EA v1.0 Description
Han EA is an automated MT4 Fast Scalper EA Free to Download. The adviser is designed to use a scalping strategy used to identify the best short-term trade opportunities in volatile currency markets. it trades on a specific trading time which you can adjust in the settings.
Its functionality is based on leveraging the small drives and candlestick movements of high volatility in the exchange market. It mainly uses Envelopes, RSI, and Moving average Indicators to open trades.
Den använder inte farliga handelsmetoder som martingale, rutnät, etc. It makes 1 - 10 transactions a day and doesn’t open more than one trade at a time. All transactions are always protected by a small Stop Loss and Take Profit, there is also a trailing stop.
Det kan handla med ett fast parti eller använda ett autoparti och öka storleken på transaktionen automatiskt enligt de angivna kriterierna. The maximum drawdown percentage is quite low for this EA, which allows to use this adviser on a small deposit.
Han EA v1.0 Setting

Han EA v1.0 Back-test Result
Premium Support
Letar du efter Premium-stöd för EA-installation eller optimering ? Ja, vi är här för att hjälpa dig.
tested on my MT4 but doesn’t open any trade, odd.
my bad, it just didn’t place any trade for the first few days.
Please note that market close during weekend , please try on coming week and contact us with your EA log .
No trade
plz check trade logs
2022.09.18 22:24:46.164 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1 inputs: Information=FREE EA, Indikatorer > ; Information_1= ================ Main Settings ================ ; Information_2= ================ Trailing ================ ; Information_3= ================ Indicators Settings ================ ; Information_4= ================ Rest Settings ================ ; Information_5= ==== StopLevel : 20 points or higher ======== ; Information_6= ==== Expire date : Unlimited ================ ; Information_7= ==== contact K
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: initialized
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: ========== Initialization complete! ===========
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: risk adjusted lotsize: 5.00 (automatically calculated lots).
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: risk: 4%
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: Broker allow lots to be resized in 0.01 steps.
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: Broker maximum allowed lotsize: 5
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: Broker minimum allowed lotsize: 0.01
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: Broker set 1 lot to trade 100000 USD
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: Broker requires at least 3801.53 USD in margin for 1 massa.
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: Broker calculates stopout level as percentage ratio between margin and equity.
2022.09.18 22:24:46.148 Han EA 1.0 (Modify 2020) GBPUSD,M1: Broker calculation of free margin allowed to open positions considers both floating profit and loss on open
your log doesn’t have any issue .. just keep run for 7 days..let me know
It says that broker account margin 0 but i have 100,000 account size. its new demo account with full 100,000 margin
trying to check your Leverage .. must be higher then 500
@Admin: Bästa admin, thank you for your support. I have two questions : 1. Do you have the new version HAN EA V1.1 ? 2. Could you please search and upload the IS Green or IS White EA ?
@All: Kära alla, this EA does not open trade everytime, every day or week. But it works.
Thank for suggestion , we will look in to 🙂