Cadangan Penasihat Pakar
- Lavarage Akaun 1:500
- Aset : GER30, DAX40
- TF : M15, M30, H1
- Deposit Min : 1000Dolar Amerika
- Waktu Dagangan : 24/7
Trade Angel EA Description
Forex Trade Angel Robot logic works on our proprietary indicators called angel factor/period (you will see this in inputs).
Operates by monitoring the movement & volatility of the DAX40 during market hours only; once it detects a strong move, it will latch onto the momentum and open a trade at the start of the next bar (on the 15 min bar on 15 min chart, the start of 30 min bar on 30M chart and same for 1 hour).
Trade Angel EA Setting

Trade Angel EA Back-test Result
Sokongan Premium
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