Cadangan Penasihat Pakar
- Lavarage Akaun 1:500
- Aset : AUDCAD
- TF : M15
- Deposit Min : 500Dolar Amerika
- Waktu Dagangan : 24/7
RM SCALPER EA Description
RM-SCALPER EA is an automated trading robot designed to optimize scalping strategies on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. With its rapid market analysis, emotion-free execution, and advanced strategies like Super Scalper, Average Price, Support and Resistance, this EA enables traders to achieve consistent profitability, boasting a 75% kadar kemenangan. Backtest results show profits of up to $6,100 dalam 7 months with an initial investment of just $2,000.

RM SCALPER EA Back-test Result
Sokongan Premium
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