Cadangan Penasihat Pakar
- Lavarage Akaun 1:500
- TF: 5M
- Deposit Min : 1000Dolar Amerika
- Waktu Dagangan : 24/7
EA Scalper Web v3.10 Description
EA Scalper Web this is a scalper who trades very often and makes an average profit of 1-2 points per trade, does not have a stop loss, and if the trade goes in the opposite direction, it is averaged after a certain distance, has an automatic lot calculation.
EA Scalper Web v3.10 Setting

EA Scalper Web v3.10 Back-test Result
Sokongan Premium
Adakah anda sedang mencari sokongan Premium untuk pemasangan atau pengoptimuman EA ? Ya kami di sini untuk membantu anda.