Peritus Advisor commendationem
- ratio Lavarage 1:500
- dignissim : EURUSD
- TF : M1, to 1H
- min Depositum : 2000USD
- Horae Trading : 24/7
Hamster Scalping V15 EA Description
Hamster Scalping is a fully automatic trading advisor using two modes for scalping and martingale lovers. RSI indicator et ATR-fundatur filter pro entries.
Input parametri
In utroque productum operatur 4 et V, digit quotes. Specificare valores in puncta sicut for 5 constituo locis in initus parametri, et sponte omnia calculare 4 constituo locis.
Period indicator1 – period of the first indicator;
Up level – the upper level of the first indicator, supra quam EA aperiet Vende;
Down Level – the lower level of the first indicator, infra quam EA aperiet Buy;
Period indicator2 – period of the second indicator;
From – the lower borders of the range of second indicator values, in quibus EA positionibus aperire licet;
To – the upper borders of the range of second indicator values, in quibus EA positionibus aperire licet;
Coepi multum - initial multum.
Autolot - enable / disable Auto multum calculation.
Autolot magnitudine - tantum depositi, quo lot utendum est, cum Auto sors datur.
Max Lot – maximum lot size for the EA operation.
Prodesse, points – real take profit in points.
Subsisto damnum, points – real stop loss.
Virtual Take Profit – virtual take profit.
Option Take Profit – select the take profit operation based on the bar Open / ad current pretium.
Level of Take Profit – select the take profit calculation based on the breakeven/the last order.
Virtual Stop Loss – virtual stop loss.
Option Stop Loss – select the stop loss operation based on the bar Open / ad current pretium.
Max Orders – the maximum number of open orders.
Star Hour – the EA operation start hour.
End Hour – the EA operation end hour.
Use Wednesday Logics – if true, EA non operantur die mercurii in nocte, si falsum erit in normali modus operatur;
End Time Friday – time to stop trading on Friday;
Max Spread – maximum spread, ad quod EA licet aperire et claudere positiones;
Monstra Statistics - ostende / celare mutant;
Monstra Puga pyga Close - da / disable ipsum claudendi ordines.
Magia EA - magicae numerus ad Peritus Advisor ad recognoscendas dignitates suas;
Prodesse, points – physical take profit;
Subsisto damnum, points – physical stop loss;
FontSize – setting the font size in the panel;
Close all orders at take or stop – on / off claudendo utrumque eodem tempore;
Imp1DRAW, Imp2DRAW, Imp3DRAW – display news on the chart (da / disable).
Laetabuntur ante (post) a high importance news – news settings.
Ad enable News Nolite Trading, tick the “Allow WebRequest” option and add “ec.forexprostools.com”, “worldtimeserver.com” to the list of URLs for WebRequest. Ad hoc faciunt, open Tools > Optiones > Peritus Advisores. Check the option “Allow WebRequests for listed URL:”. Adde sequenti: “ec.forexprostools.com”,”worldtimeserver.com” and press “OK”. EA nuntium accipit ex certa websites.
Hamster Scalping V15 EA Setting

Hamster Scalping V15 EA Back-test Result
Magnum Support
Quaeritis Magnum subsidium ad EA institutionem vel ipsum ? Ita hic sumus adiuvare vos.