Peritus Advisor commendationem
- ratio Lavarage 1:500
- dignissim : EURUSD, GPBUSD , AUDUSD
- min Depositum : 500USD
- Horae Trading : 24/7
Sine fine Pips V2 EA Description
EndlessPips EA non utatur periculosa negotiatione modi ut malesuada euismod, martingale, etc., artificia ponendo pendere buy prohibere et vendere prohibere iussus, per defaltam, inter se res habet parva SL of * 6 vinaceis ac TP of * 2 vinaceis in occasus, hi valores mutari possunt, magnum lucrum per introitus accurate et celeri automatis incremento in negotiatione volumine confecit.
Auctor habet duas occasus, exaedificantur in eam ac in ipsa occasus auctoris eliguntur, quomodo hoc facere et quomodo auctor operatur, potes videre infra strepitando in nexum,hoc video a elit EA:
EndlessPipsV2 Engine 1 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/btj4/RQrubDJGY
EndlessPipsV2 Engine 2 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/6h6J/ebnNzmYhe
Infra videre potes eventus probandi EA in historia praeterita, a tergo test fiebat per default occasus et fixum rete valorem of 1 vinaceis,
Sine fine Pips V2 EA Profecti

Sine fine Pips V2 EA Back-test Result
Magnum Support
Quaeritis Magnum subsidium ad EA institutionem vel ipsum ? Ita hic sumus adiuvare vos.
North East via EA placet
Nos sumus opus in eo
More consecutive losses in actual trading compared to back testing
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
7858109 2022.06.06 10:52:30 vendere 2.18 gbpusd 1.25423 1.25436 1.25393 2022.06.06 10:52:39 1.25449 -15.26 0.00 0.00 -56.68
7858151 2022.06.06 10:52:40 vendere 2.15 gbpusd 1.25437 1.25444 1.25396 2022.06.06 10:52:43 1.25447 -15.05 0.00 0.00 -21.50
7858166 2022.06.06 10:52:43 vendere 2.10 gbpusd 1.25439 1.25415 1.25368 2022.06.06 10:53:12 1.25417 -14.70 0.00 0.00 46.20
7859418 2022.06.06 11:11:38 vendere 2.19 gbpusd 1.25651 1.25676 1.25631 2022.06.06 11:11:53 1.25677 -15.33 0.00 0.00 -56.94
7859460 2022.06.06 11:11:53 vendere 2.21 gbpusd 1.25672 1.25697 1.25653 2022.06.06 11:11:59 1.25702 -15.47 0.00 0.00 -66.30
7859503 2022.06.06 11:11:59 vendere 2.20 gbpusd 1.25697 1.25698 1.25656 2022.06.06 11:12:34 1.25699 -15.40 0.00 0.00 -4.40
How can we reduce the number of LOTs?
reduce risk .
Does it not work if the risk value is set to a decimal point?
its should work 🙂
It was okay.
Transactions were normal.
Backtests show continuous profits, but…
But if I change brokers…
I’m still making continuous losses.
Should we assume that slippage is the cause?
Are the developers checked in real account trading?
Setting up on MT4
Select trading from the options in the tool
Slippage is set to 50 per defaltam.
What would you recommend?
Check your VPS and broker Latency .. its should be under 5ms and also spread should lowest possible , basically eurusd on icmarket below .. 0.10 or less , this two things is key , please try again
Hola como valido la latencia de mi VPS, gracias