Aanbeveling van kundige adviseur
- Rekening Lavarage 1:500
- Bate : LET WEL
- TF : M5
- Min deposito : 50000$ or 500$ in Cent
- Handelsure : 24/7
Mense wat sterk aanbeveel word
Vertex Gold EA Description
Vertex Gold EA is exactly that it trades only Gold only using our unique strategy to achieve 10-20% n maand.
Minimum account leverage required is 1:500
Minimum account size needs to be 50k so perfect for trading on a cent account as 500 usd is 50,000 cents
Vertex Gold EA Setting

Vertex Gold EA Back-test Result
Premium Ondersteuning
Soek jy Premium-ondersteuning vir EA-installasie of -optimalisering ? Ja ons is hier om jou te help.
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Without License key it is not able to use it.
Yes you should use KEY…
How to get the Key? Its not included in the zip file.
@Admin, please help me to get the key
Key already mentioned in text document , please kindly read installation help doc in archive
License key expired