Aanbeveling van kundige adviseur
- Rekening Lavarage 1:500
- TF : H1
- Min deposito : 1000USD
- Handelsure : 24/7
Mense wat sterk aanbeveel word
Elite Algo V2 Description
These beautiful fairly turbulent price swings in EUR GBP are delivering some great earnings these days: the system merely cashed in 80 euros yesterday. Moderation (or, in this case, wisselvalligheid) is the key. It would be tedious and practically impossible to profit because the price range was confined to fewer than 50 die terugtoets is uitgevoer met die verstekinstellings en met 'n vaste verspreidingswaarde van. Egter, a 100-pip spike with a subsequent pullback yields far more gains and is far less dull. So long as the swing comes to a halt, retraces, and refuels. This is why I believe EUR GBP works better with this EA, but again, these are perfect conditions and are not indicative of future performance.
Elite Algo V2 EA Setting

Elite Algo V2 EA Back-test Result
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